Treatment for Drooping Mouth Corners<br>in Minnesota

Treatment for Drooping Mouth Corners
in Minnesota

Drooping mouth corners can give you a permanently upset or sad look. Certain muscles contribute to the corners of the mouth dropping, as the aging process makes the downward direction of the corners more pronounced.

There is effective treatment for drooping mouth corners, however. At Metropolitan Skin Clinic, we can help reduce the appearance of this condition.

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What Are Drooping Mouth Corners?

Drooping mouth corners are just what they sound like: the corners of your mouth drooping down and giving you a sad appearance.

So what causes drooping mouth corners? One of the causes is a muscle in the jaw known as the depressor anguli oris (DAO). This muscle gets stronger with age, causing the mouth to turn down when you frown. Repetitive motions like this can lead to drooping mouth corners.

Another one of the drooping corners of mouth causes is the natural aging process. Because collagen and elastin levels decrease year by year after your 20s, your skin does not have the elasticity to bounce back after repeated facial motions. The skin sags, worsening drooping corners.

If you are not sure what to do if you have drooping corners of mouth, we can offer Juvéderm Volbella filler and Botox treatments to help. By using Botox to stop the signals that make the DAO muscles overactive, we can reduce the drooping. To provide a lift to the lower face, we use fillers.

What Are Drooping Mouth Corners?

Treatment Options for Drooping Mouth Corners

Fillers for Drooping Mouth Corners

Juvéderm Volbella is one of the best fillers for drooping mouth corners. It allows us to add volume to the lower face, lifting it and counteracting the tendency to droop.

Botox for Drooping Mouth Corners

Drooping mouth corner Botox treatments help by interrupting the nerve signals the brain sends to the muscles that can cause this condition. The muscles soften, reducing the drooping appearance.

Treatment Options for Drooping Mouth Corners

Cost of Drooping Mouth Corner Treatments

Typical costs are:


Juvéderm Volbella costs $800 per syringe at our clinic. We usually require only one syringe for drooping mouth corners, but if the drooping is severe, we may need two.


At our clinic, we charge $15 per Botox unit for our clients. How many units we use will depend on the severity of the drooping.

Cost of Drooping Mouth Corner Treatments

Our Featured Drooping Mouth Corners



3-4 sessions/y

30-60 min



1-2 Sessions/y

60-90 min

Juvederm Filler

Juvederm Filler

1-2 Sessions/y

60-90 min

Drooping Mouth Corners - Before and After

Drooping Mouth Corners before


Drooping Mouth Corners after






What our patients are saying about Drooping Mouth Corners in Metropolitan Skin Clinic

What our patients are saying about Drooping Mouth Corners in Metropolitan Skin Clinic

Always very personable, comfortable, makes you feel at ease…Suzanne exudes confidence and professionalism…And on top of that she’s an awesomely nice lady!

Barb K.

What our patients are saying about Drooping Mouth Corners in Metropolitan Skin Clinic

Laura was great at explaining everything, and making me feel at ease. Very pleased with the

Besa K.

Where to Fix Drooping Mouth Corners

When you turn to Metropolitan Skin Clinic, we can help you fix drooping mouth corners. Our dedicated professionals are ready to offer the safe treatments you need to regain your smile.


M: 9 am-6 pm

T-Th: 9 am-7 pm

Fri: 9 am-6 pm

Sat: 8 am-3 pm

Sun: Closed

Frequently Asked Questions about Drooping Mouth Corners

What Can I Expect for Post-Treatment Care?

After Botox or fillers, you want to avoid using blood-thinning medications for at least two days. You should also avoid touching the injection sites, massaging them, or rubbing them. Use an ice pack to help with the healing process, and you may also want to sleep slightly upright for a night or two after treatment.

To help the filler or Botox settle, do not exercise or expose yourself to high temperatures for a few days.

Are Treatments Painful?

Fillers and Botox can cause mild discomfort. Some people describe the injections as a slight pinch, but our team always aims to make the entire procedure as comfortable as we can.

How Can I Prepare for the Procedure?

On the days leading up to the injections, avoid alcohol, smoking, and blood-thinning medication like ibuprofen or aspirin. Stay out of the sun and avoid any skincare products that can make your skin more sensitive. Come to the clinic without makeup, lotions, or creams.

Will I See Results Immediately?

Both fillers and Botox work rapidly. Botox results can appear within a few days, though you may not see the full results until up to two weeks. Fillers are even quicker, with full results visible after a week.

How Long Does Recovery Take?

Although there is no real downtime with fillers or Botox, you’ll want to avoid exercising for 48 hours. After that, you can return to normal.


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