What's a BBL® face procedure?
If you’ve never heard of BroadBand Light (BBL®) technology, it is an advanced type of IPL, or intense pulsed light, an innovative technology that helps in treating skin conditions like uneven pigmentation, brown spots, sun spots, visible blood vessels, etc. During a BBL® photofacial, your experienced provider will use light energy to heat the top layers of your skin. Every treatment is customized to serve your skin type and to help you achieve your desired results.
Through precise BBL® laser treatments care, our team only needs a few sessions to help you achieve your results. There is no anesthesia required and you’ll need minimal downtime to recover. In addition, our board-certified dermatologists highly recommend regularly getting BBL® photo rejuvenation to improve your skin tone as it stimulates natural collagen production.
What areas can we treat using the BBL® technology?
A major benefit of BBL® photofacial technology is how versatile it is, making it suitable for a range of skin concerns.
- Birthmarks. BBL® treatment can lessen the appearance of colored birthmarks, most commonly red ones like port-wine stains, by targeting the pigment in the skin.
- Hyperpigmentation. BBL® photo rejuvenation therapy can take care of darker skin tones and sun spots caused by age, hormonal changes, sun exposure, and healing wounds and acne.
- Telangiectasia. The BroadBand Light photothermal energy will make small facial veins, broken blood vessels, and other skin blemishes close to the surface of the skin of your face, arms, and legs, a thing of the past.
- Rosacea. If you’re experiencing rosacea or flare-ups of redness due to an increase in blood flow on the face, BBL® might be the answer.
- Acne, scarring, and enlarged pores. This treatment can trigger the healing process to help clear your acne and redness, reduce the look of large pores, and decrease the appearance of colored scarring.
- Wrinkly hands. BroadBand Light increases collagen production, which helps to plump up the skin. This increased fullness and volume will smooth out wrinkles, crepiness, and skin laxity. It can also dramatically lighten and remove dark spots, giving your hands a more youthful appearance.
Meet our BBL® experts
It’s important to find a reputable team to perform any laser resurfacing procedures to keep your skin glowy and healthy. When exploring options for BroadBand light laser technology, the training and qualifications of those providing the service are essential. Rest assured that the level of care and expertise that you get at the Metropolitan is unmatched and you are in great hands with any of our providers.
tiffany gagstetter
Tiffany is an Advanced Practice Esthetician, certified Anti-Aging Technician, and Laser Technician, with over 20 years of experience in the skincare industry. Tiffany enjoys working with all skin types and achieves outstanding results.
nikki bottin
Nikki is an Advanced Practice Esthetician and Laser Technician. With over 15 years of experience in the beauty industry, She has a passion for esthetics. Nikki is results-driven. She doesn’t go in for the fluff. When it comes to achieving results she says “Don’t mess around, go big or go home!”
milly versalles
Milly Versalles is an Advanced Practice Esthetician and Laser Technician with over 12 years of experience in the industry. Milly specializes in skin care treatments that focus on such conditions as hyperpigmentation/melasma, and problematic conditions like acne.
holly kane
Holly Kane is the Metropolitan’s Advanced Practice Esthetician Team Leader. With over 13 years of experience in the skincare industry. Holly is intentional and makes a great effort to help her clients, and our team (and their clients), get the results they seek through customized treatment plans.
How do we perform BroadBand Light (BBL®) treatments?
Once we’ve worked with you to develop a customized treatment plan, we will adjust the settings of the BroadBand Light treatment system to fit your needs. Before treatment begins, we will cover your eyes to keep them protected from the laser. From there, we will softly pass the laser on top of your skin, paying close attention to the problem areas. The treatment time itself is usually an hour or less depending on the issues that we address. Once your treatment is over, we will apply a soothing cream and provide you with any home-based care instructions. Most BBL results are noticeable within 2-6 weeks of the first treatment. Our team will work with you to develop a plan to help you achieve your goals.
What are the benefits of the BBL® laser?
BBL® cosmetic procedure is a safe and effective for many conditions, and it is one of the quickest and most non-invasive treatments on the market. The sessions only take a few minutes and when you’re done, you’ll be able to return to your normal routine.
Here are some other benefits:
- Effective results for any age
- Non-medical
- Long-lasting results
- Restores skin texture and pigmentation
- Repairs damaged skin
- Highly effective and precise
- Works anywhere on the body such as the face, neck, arms, chest, legs, hands, and feed
- Most results are seen immediately.
- BBL® facials can be done in just 15 minutes, which means that the treatment is quicker compared to other IPL devices.
- BBL® treatments can be combined with other cosmetic procedures such as chemical peels, Botox, or dermal fillers for added benefits, all in a single appointment.
How many treatments will I need?
We start with 3 sessions and after that recommend two to five treatments per year for optimal maintenance. Generally, the more treatments, the better your skin will look. If you’re not satisfied with the look and feel of your skin after three sessions, discuss touch-up options or a maintenance schedule with your provider. Most people notice significant improvement after just 1-2 sessions!
How long does the recovery process take after the treatment?
Patients are happy to learn that BBL® downtime is minimal, and most are able to resume their normal activities almost immediately following the procedure. It’s possible to experience some redness right after the procedure, so make sure that you avoid excessive sun exposure once treatment is over. Other short-term side effects may include sunspots that become darker in the days following treatment, but this should go away after one week.
How much does BBL® treatment cost in Minneapolis, MN?
BBL® facials
If acne, fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, or other skin conditions are frustrating you, we offer a non-invasive BBL® face procedure, both half and full-face treatments.
BBL® — half-face
- Series (3): $870.
- Includes 4 full-size products.
- Lifetime touch-ups at 50% off Single Session cost.
BBL® — full-face / neck / decollete
- Series (3): $1,490.
- Includes 4 full size products.
- Lifetime touch-ups at 50% off Single Session cost.
BBL® — full-face + neck
- Series (3): $2,060.
- Includes 4 full-size products.
- Lifetime touch-ups at 50% off Single Session cost.
BBL® full-face + neck + decollete
- Series (3): $2,630.
- Includes 4 full-size products.
- Lifetime touch-ups at 50% off Single Session cost.
BBL® hand treatments
Say goodbye to crepey skin and age spots on your hands! With a single BBL® treatment, you will see a vast improvement in the appearance of dark spots and texture.
- Series (3): $1,482.
- Lifetime touch-ups at 50% off Single Session cost.
BBL® arm treatments
Whether you’re looking to treat half your arm or the entire length of it, we’re ready to help.
BBL® — half-arm
- Series (3): $1,000.
- Lifetime touch-ups at 50% off Single Session cost.
BBL® — full-arm
- Series (3): $2,000.
- Lifetime touch-ups at 50% off Single Session cost.
BBL® leg treatments
We offer both half-leg and full-leg options for BBL® treatment.
BBL® — half-leg
- Series (3): $2,000.
- Lifetime touch-ups at 50% off Single Session cost.
BBL® — full-leg
- Series (3): $3,000.
- Lifetime touch-ups at 50% off Single Session cost.
BBL® back treatments
Our non-invasive BBL® back treatments target acne, sun damage, and uneven skin tone for a smooth, radiant appearance.
BBL® — full-back
- Series (3): $3,000.
- Lifetime touch-ups at 50% off Single Session cost.
BBL® — half-back
- Series (3): $1,500.
- Lifetime touch-ups at 50% off Single Session cost.
BBL® abs treatment
Lessen the appearance of scars, uneven skin, sun damage, and telangiectasia on your abdomen.
- Series: (3): $1,000.
- Lifetime touch-ups at 50% off Single Session cost.
BBL® Forever Clear for acne
Reduce appearance, causes, and damage from acne on the face, upper back, or chest. 6 sessions as a treatment every 1-2 weeks. Touch-ups are usually recommended every 2-6 months depending on your response to the initial treatment.
- Series (6): $1,499 per area
- Lifetime touch-ups at 50% off Single Session cost.
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